2008年10月21日 星期二

Mr. Blackwell

創造了"the worst dressed list"的著名犀利時尚評論家Mr. Blackwell於日前在愛人的陪伴下逝世,享年86歲。


Mariah Carey:"Shrink-wrapped cheesecake."
Sharon Stone:"An over-the-hill Cruella DeVille."
Barbra Streisand:"She looks like a masculine Bride of Frankenstein."
Britney Spears:"Her bra-topped collection of Madonna rejects are pure fashion overkill."
Bjork:"She dances in the dark — and dresses there, too."
Posh:"In one skinny-mini monstrosity after another, pouty 'Posh' can really wreck-em."
Mary-Kate Olsen:"She resembles a tattered toothpick caught in a hurricane."
Madonna:"From ghetto glam to rhinestone cowgirl to Mrs. Guy Ritchie: Any way you label it, she's still just kitschy, kitschy, kitschy,"

看到他對這些評論的解釋,我深有同感:"It's not my intention to hurt the feelings of these people. It's to put down the clothing they're wearing."(我的本意不是傷害這些人,而是他們穿的衣服有問題。)

英國版的Vogue選了一些照片配上他簡短但犀利的評論。贏得最新一任worst dressed list冠軍的是貝嫂,這是從1960年到現在的每一屆冠軍名單。
